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Eve blogs I have found
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This site is a link to the Eve blogs I have found, with snippets of the most recent post. Once a blog is updated, this page auto-magically follows suit.
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Eve Blogroll
WoW Housing Gets Some Pillars to Support It - It feels like there is nothing a game designer likes more than to pontificate about their design pillars… assuming they’re not just stealing somebody else’...9 hours ago
Pearl Abyss Q4 Earnings Call - Pearl Abyss, who are the owners of CCP, had their Q4 results today. Full transcript of the call is at the bottom of this post. The presentation can be fou...1 day ago
Pearl Abyss Q4 2024 Earnings Call - On Tuesday in South Korea, Pearl Abyss held its earnings call for the fourth quarter of 2024. The company experienced a quarter-over-quarter increase in ...1 day ago
Common PvP Engagements Explained - *A Real Guide to Common PvP Scenarios* *• Solo PvP* - The purest form of combat in Eve Online - PvP means Player Versus Player after all. You are alon...6 days ago
Blood Rain - Part 3 - Part 2 here. Brasalion checked his chronometer. It was still three hours until the Thunderhawks would arrive to take them to orbit to the fleet. The ex...1 week ago
ESO – Cutting Back on Trials - It’s almost the end of the year and besides getting “Year in Review” emails from Nintendo, Steam (well, a banner on the app that leads to it), etc – I love...1 month ago
Warp Echo: Drifters – The Ghosts of New Eden - New Eden’s vast expanse is teeming with enigmatic forces, but few rival the Drifters in their mystique and menace. Since their cryptic emergence, these spe...2 months ago
Funeral YOU, US, THEM - There comes a time at a funeral when you have heard how sorry people are, been asked how you are holding up, just been peopled a bit too much. Mike had hit...6 months ago
Ruins of Old Traumark - Editor’s note: CCP heavily revamped the Traumark Installation in YC123 (that’s 2021 for you non-lore-speakers). This entry chronicles how the site looks af...2 years ago
Better Than Nothing... - ~or "Whatintheabsolutefuckaretheydoing?" Some fun was had last weekend and some ISK was made... but before I weigh into the fun, understand first that I ...4 years ago
Anatomy of an Ambush – Part 1 - As my remaining readers may recall, I fly in Wormhole space with Anomalous Existence, famous for our recent victory over some yahoos who invaded our home, ...5 years ago
Tough Nuts - *Any wizard bright enough to survive for five minutes was also bright enough to realise that if there was any power in demonology, then it lay with the ...5 years ago
Howto: Safe(ish) orca hauling in highsec - There are a few things than can help you transport your hard earned things in a relatively safe way. Relatively, as there are no absolutes in EVE. Note tha...5 years ago
Nothing and Everything Changes - I can mark the passage of time from Eve with Intuition's age. He turned four last month. Today, Corbexx sent me a chat on Steam and we spent hours chatteri...5 years ago
freepbr.com - Another useful site to get free PBR textures from is freepbr.com with texture maps for 150+ materials. The best thing about this site is all of the texture...5 years ago
Streamlining the EVE new player experience - I seem to dislike junior game developers as much as the next person but yet here I am willing to put this hat on myself. Apologies in advance. But in read...5 years ago
Absurdly happy in World of Warcraft Classic too. - Right, What's that? Daylight? What day is it? 2 days of playing a lot of Classic WoW has left me firmly echoing Syp's eloquent enthusiastic blog post from ...5 years ago
Full Body Push/Pull - Ok, here’s the program I did for the first six weeks of this challenge. It’s 4 days per week, so it’s quite manageable. It’s short duration, and it’s hard....5 years ago
CSM 14 – some initial thoughts - Oh god. 12 votes. That’s the margin I had, avoiding elimination. Thanks to everyone who voted for me 🙂 Your votes made the difference. (Obviously this i...5 years ago
CSM 14 Candidacy - It is that time of year. My application is in, and my forum post is up: https://forums.eveonline.com/t/high-sec-candidate/159244 --- Hello! It's me! Shadw...5 years ago
How not to move a carrier: A tale of two noobs - If you think hiring a pro is expensive, try hiring an amateur. Recently a corp member, lets call him *Bill asked in corp slack if anybody could fly an Apo...5 years ago
No More Denial - It's long past time to be honest with myself, and with the world: I stopped playing EVE Online. This wasn't a deliberate decision, or an overtly consciou...5 years ago
How To Murder Time 212: Not Planescape - This time Tim has been playing Torment: Tides of Numenera so we get to hear how great Planescape Torment was. Again. Jon has been playing Graveyard Keeper ...6 years ago
Monocle Gate - Ah remember this one ? Already 7 years ago, this controversy almost ended Eve Online. And might have hurt it’s reputation to this day. Ars technica posted ...6 years ago
Set your destination! - After the ESI migration has been achieved and a few bugs have been stepped on, I started playing around with the authenticated ESI calls and what should I ...6 years ago
And we’re moving - In the past few weeks a few people have contacted me about coming on EvE again. And I’m in the process of making some things happen. It’ll take a while but...6 years ago
Kingdom Death: Monster – Unarmored Survivor Head Build - Long time no write. Anyhow, I backed the reprint of KD:M and have been slowly building out models. Most of the monster and armor sets are fairly straight...6 years ago
Upwell 2.0 - Structures Changes Coming On February 13th! (UPDATED) - *This dev blog has been updated with changes to the plan made with help from the EVE community’s comments, discussion, and feedback.* *The biggest change...7 years ago
Patch notes for December 2017 release - Patch notes for Arms Race release 1.6 Released on Tuesday, Janbaury 4th, 2018 Defect Fixes User Interface - Omega Game Time and Multiple Pilot Trai...7 years ago
"Our Flagship is the Friendship"... - It was recently announced that CCP was shutting down VR development and laying off nearly 100 people. Many of whom are community team employees. Some of t...7 years ago
Create the Content You Want to See (and some ideas for creating conflict in Lifeblood) - In the first half of 2017--the last time, for the foreseeable future, I would be working from home--I did more solo roaming than I ever have in my 6 years ...7 years ago
Mind Clashing over Theomachy - I've been listening to Mind Clash ever since it started being syndicated on the Crossing Zebras RSS feed. So when I logged into Theomachy and saw Kael De...7 years ago
My Space-Retirement - I hate reading this kind of blog, and I hate writing them even more. One day I should show off how many drafts of this I have stuck in limbo. My IRL traj...7 years ago
The Distraction - Part 4 - Fiction Friday. Escape pod here. *The Distraction - Part 4* *Caldari Constructions Production Plant Station* *Planet VII, Moon 4Nourvukaiken Solar Syste...7 years ago
Perspectives - It's been an interesting few weeks here. First, I've been having PC problems the past several weeks. I have new laptop inbound from Dell that will become ...7 years ago
Scramble the Alert Fighters: A Virtural Reality Reflection - Stub article! You should be reading this on Imperium.News!8 years ago
Blog Banter #77 – The Dead Air - I miss three Blog Banters and with an immense sense of irony, this is the one I come back to. Welcome to the continuing monthly EVE Blog Banters and our 77...8 years ago
Citadels and access control lists - Citadel control using Access Lists is a new idea for Eve. It uses access control lists, which are a powerful if sometimes not the most straightforward thin...8 years ago
POS - Hi All, There was a time where I used to run a POS. It wasn’t just any old POS for any old reason, though I will admit there was a fair amount of vanity at...8 years ago
All's Fair in Love and Video Games - From piracy and scamming, to backstabbing and thievery, EVE is full of stories of players and their nefarious deeds against one another. I logged in yest...8 years ago
CFC Announce Extension of Viceroy System to Highsec - In a somewhat unexpected move, the CFC has reployed to Osmon, a 0.7 security system in Caldari space, in order to attempt to extend viceroyalty to the resi...8 years ago
Building capital ships for profit: The guide - Part 1: Introduction Welp, it's time to do this again. This guide will cover exclusively the building of jump-capable capital ships, in lowsec, from origin...8 years ago
New Beginnings - My old corp, Future Corps, perhaps better known by the alliance it flew under - Sleeper Social Club - has shut down. It came as a bit of a shock to me. One...8 years ago
Game Genres and Eve - I found a web site that categorises games by their characteristics in order to create a recommendation engine. I think it’s fairly clear that Eve lies arou...9 years ago
Caroline’s Star, Part 4: Kardashev’s Children - This post is the capstone and intersection of six other posts covering the Caroline’s Star, the Inheritance chronicle, and the Prophecy of Macaper: [Dec 20...9 years ago
Clever Graphics Adjustment - WingspannTT has a neat hint about improving the immersion factor of Eve Online. Check it out here: *https://youtu.be/OttpSwaATl4*9 years ago
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